
Storfa aur, geirfa'r iaith

Using Rhymer

Rhymer uses Eurfa to produce lists of rhyming words. The result is not unlike Roy Stephens' Odliadur (Gwasg Gomer, 1978). Compare the output from entering or with that from Odliadur, pp215-7. The output is listed in order of length, so shorter words are at the top of the list. "Length" here means the total number of letters in the word; future versions may define length in terms of syllables, which would be preferable.

Rhymer uses regular expressions to find the sequence of letters at the end of a word. If you enter enol, for instance, you will get all words ending in enol, eg blaenol, sylfaenol.

By using the special notation outlined below, you can loosen the conditions in order to produce assonance and alliteration instead of strict rhyme, something not possible with Odliadur.

Notation Meaning Input Output Examples
[ ] Individual letters inside square brackets will be treated as alternatives. a[nm]au Words ending in anau or amau. tanau, camau
( | ) Groups of letters inside brackets and separated by a pipe character (usually shift+\ on the keyboard) will be treated as alternatives. a(ch|g)os Words ending in achos or agos. achos, agos, cyfagos
a(r|f)(a|e)(ch|dd) Words ending in arach, arech, aradd, aredd, afach, afech, afadd, afedd. cynharach, pedwaredd, edafedd
? A letter followed by ? will be treated as optional. enn?ol Words ending in enol or ennol. gorfennol, hamddenol
[^ ] Individual letters (or groups of letters) inside square brackets and preceded by ^ will be "blocked" in that position. en[^n]u Words which end in "en, something which is not n, and then u". blaenau, rhentu
a[^ch]au Words which do not have ch in that position. agoriadau, amau, blasau