
Storfa aur, geirfa'r iaith


Eurfa is the largest Welsh dictionary under a free license, and it was the first dictionary of a Celtic language to list verbal inflections and mutated forms. You can find out more about Eurfa here, or see a list of the main abbreviations used in the dictionary. And, for interest, a poem in Old Irish about words: Pangur Ban.

Eurfa now includes in-context citations for most words from a number of corpora:

Bilingual (Welsh-English, Welsh-Spanish)

Monolingual (Welsh only)


Cyfieithu (mae ieithmon yn athronydd ...)
     Hudol yw tân syniadau y dewin
          sy'n dewis hen dalpiau
     o lofa iaith, a'i hailfywhau
     yn aur o newydd eiriau.
(David Evan Morris)

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